Ruth Akulu
Committed to ensure that the Choice Manifesto does not end with her; but it gets shared, communicated and understood by more young women in Uganda so that there is continuity.
Committed to ensure that the Choice Manifesto does not end with her; but it gets shared, communicated and understood by more young women in Uganda so that there is continuity.
WACI Health is a member of numerous national and international networks, working groups and organisations in order to achieve more in humanitarian aid and development work.
I stand with African women and girls! Their right to choose their HIV prevention method is critical. Sign the manifesto for a future free from HIV!
On 8th September 2023, the African Women HIV Prevention Community Accountability Board (AWPCAB) in partnership with UNAIDS launched the Choice Manifesto in Kampala, Uganda. The launch brought together an array of critical stakeholders in HIV prevention including representation from Uganda AIDS Commission, Ministry of Health, UNICEF, PEPFAR, UNWOMEN, ViiV, Population Council, AIDS FONDS and young women from 8 countries. The countries represented were Rwanda, Malawi, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.